In the restaurant Can Segura we do not forget the little ones and we know that they are very important to you and also that it is key that they are comfortable and be the first to enjoy, so we make sure you are.
I designed a Children’s Menu with a wide variety, for the most gourmets and for those who are not so much.
From Restaurant Can Segura we treat the little ones in the house the same as the big ones. We want them to come out happy and enjoy the recipes we prepare.
Although our goal is the same with the little ones as with the big ones, we know that the former are, in some different respects, perhaps eating less and their tastes are different.
That is why from the Can Segura Restaurant we have designed the Children’s Menu, where you can find dishes that are also found in the other menus, either in the weekend menu or in the daily menu, and at the same time, special recipes that they never fail.
We know that if they enjoy it, you will enjoy it too.